Hello, I'm Natalie Garcia.

Full-Stack Web Developer
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Reality Tasks

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Masked Wanderer

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Weather Dashboard

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Work Day Scheduler

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About Me

Hi there! I'm Natalie Garcia. I am a certified full-stack web developer.

I am a recent grad with a Bachelor of Arts, a Film studies minor, and a New Media Certificate from the University of Georgia. Film and television will always have my heart, but I enjoy veiwing them more than I do creating them. I received a Full-Stack Web Development Certificate through the Georgia Institute of Technology.

When I first starting coding it just made sense to me and I loved trying to fit the pieces together and the feeling when you get the code to work. I have never felt like I was passionate enough for the careers I was pursing until I began coding. I would like to pursue a career in Web Development so I can have a career I love, that consistently challenges.

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